#71: Refugee All-Stars Featuring Lauryn Hill 'The Sweetest Thing'

Love Jonessmall.jpgYou may remember the song "The Sweetest Thing" as just one of the many gems from the 1997 Love Jones motion picture soundtrack. I remember this song as the first time I actually thought Lauryn Hill was sexy. I mean, yes, I always thought she was a pretty dope rapper, playing off of, if not outshining, her Fugees brethren at every turn. But dammit, this was different. This was the perfect blend of voice and lyric, Lauryn giving acoustic accolades to her "sweet prince of the ghetto," letting anyone who cared to know about his intoxicating, amaretto-flavored kisses. Yup, sexy. We'd heard her sing before, on "Killing Me Softly" and back in the day in the movie Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit, but this right here was a precursor to the solo artist we would fall head over heels for a year later with the release of her debut CD. The sweetest thing, indeed.

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