EXCLUSIVE: Raheem DeVaughn & Robyn Janelle Preserve the Sexy on 'Customer' Remix

raheem-robyn.jpgSince heads didn't necessarily roll after R. Kelly horrendously injected himself into Raheem DeVaughn's "Customer," we're proud to present what could possibly be the definitive remix. Don't be put off by the "Love in This Club" leanings, the bouncy feel of this remix perfectly suits Raheem's sensibilities. Setting the track ablaze is Geffen's newest act Robyn Janelle, hailing from the DMV. The execution is fun, sexy, and has enough familiar elements to carry it far on urban radio. Keep it locked to SoulBounce for more on Robyn Janelle.

Raheem DeVaughn feat. Robyn Janelle: "Customer" (Remix)

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