Ryan Leslie Breaks It Down

ryan_leslie_boards.jpg I have a like/dislike relationship with Ryan Leslie. I like that he's uber-educated and can make a beat in the time it takes me to floss and brush my teeth. Yet I dislike his "I'm all that and a slab of ribs with extra sauce" swaggertude and the fact that he's responsible for the genital wart on music that is Cassie. Dude is mad talented, but I really need him to stop swinging off his own for un momento por favor. However, despite my issues with Mr. Leslie, I think I'm gonna have to put this recent leak from him in the "Like" column. I'm unsure if "Break This Down" is going to find a spot on his upcoming, self-titled album, but it needs to. The beat knocks and the song has loads of sex appeal. I can hear this one bumping in the clubs, strip and otherwise.

Ryan Leslie: "Break This Down"

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[H/T: UMB]

More R-Les after the bounce--if you can stand it.

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