LL Cool J Ages Like a Fine Wine in MTV Commercials

old_ass_ll_cool_j.jpgWhen I'm alone in my room, sometimes I stare at the wall and in the back of my mind I wonder whether or not LL Cool J will still be finer than frog's hair in oh say another 30-40 years. I mean, who knew he'd hold up so well in the first 40? Well if this new series of commercials airing now on MTV is any indication, then ladies will still be loving Cool James come 2048. The spots first began airing last week when MTV chose LL as their artist of the week. He wears some serious makeup and dons a prosthetic potbelly to represent how he may age (although I'm taking bets that he will still rock a six-pack) in the commercials that feature him with actual geriatrics. Check out Uncle L leading a senior's aerobics class in one of the funnier spots from the series.    

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For a comical behind-the-scenes look at the making of the commercials, watch more footage after the bounce.

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