Studio Campfire Stories: 'Tales From The Land Of Milk And Honey' Edition - The Making Of 'Asking For A Friend'


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Once we wrapped, I drove back to Maryland on that Friday, April 3rd, and I'll be damned if on April 6th, Nic and I didn't receive an email from Phonte with the subject title "Asking For A Friend" that read:

"This shit went from "maybe it's too hard" to "this could be the first single" REAL QUICK."

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I KNEW he couldn't turn away from that joint! I clicked the attachment and listened to the long introduction while nodding hard as hell.

"Work...Work... Work...Work..."

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Heeeeell yeah!! I was completely locked in wondering what would happen next once the verse started. Then the vocals came in... Maaaaaan, when them vocals came in??!?! WHEN THE VOCALS CAME IN?!?!?

My response: "Yoooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!"

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The last time I responded like that to some vocals Phonte sent over to me, it was our "Africa" remake. I got him on the phone immediately and said, "You were on your Rockwell 'Somebody's Watching Me' shit with this one." He explained that it was more of a Talking Heads "Once In A Lifetime" feel, which works completely because this is meant to be a FUN joint, so be fearless and go ALL the way in. We went from talking about the song itself, to this brand new collection of music we were now sitting on. He told me that after talking with Nic, the project went from an +FE Music compilation. to an +FE ALBUM, to which I responded, "Hell yeah... RUNNIT!" I got hyped up not only because I felt the collection of music was CRAZY, but also because I knew I had production credit on all of it right along with Nicolay and Phonte -- a first for an +FE project. To make it even better, y'all get to hear the stories behind it all right here. And I can't wait to share them.

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