Tank And The Bangas Give Us A Look At The Drama Of The Fast Life In 'Quick'

Tank And The Bangas never cease to amaze us so we already knew we were in for a treat when we realized they had a video for "Quick." The eclectic track gets a colorful video treatment, which features the group serving as narrators for some family drama that ensues. Sitting on a bright New Orleans stoop, the ladies are hanging out when we hear a mother chastising her child for her questionable decisions. We watch those decisions unfold later of course and it's worth watching all the way until the end. Written and directed by Jason Foster and David Bear, based on a story by the band's leader Tarriona "Tank" Ball, the video is a whirlwind of events including family drama, crime and more.

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Tank And The Bangas have been on our radar for a while since they are Bounce-Worthy after all. Once they won the NPR Tiny Desk Contest, where they initially performed "Quick," the world finally caught up and embraced the New Orleans outfit and their funky, hip-hop-laced antics. Even Chance The Rapper gave the crew a nod when he stopped by NPR a few weeks ago, so it's safe to say we're going to continue watching their every move and can't wait to see more from the group.

When Tank And The Bangas aren't making gritty, high energy videos, they're taking that energy on the road. The group of many talents is currently making their rounds from the West to the East Coast all the way until October. In other words, they are booked. So if you're a part of Bangaville or want to be, make sure you catch them in your city after visiting their website for dates and tickets. Until then, act fast and watch Tank And The Bangas' heart-racing video for "Quick" right here.

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