India.Arie's Return Is As Smooth As 'Cocoa Butter'

Last night, a collective cry of joy erupted from the internet when India.Arie took to Twitter to confirm that she indeed had new music ready and that the first track to be released would be "Cocoa Butter." For India.Arie fans, her return has been a long time coming, and after making that announcement she didn't make them endure much more waiting before giving them their first listen. Barely able to contain her excitement about the song and her forthcoming album, SongVersation, India.Arie tweeted, "its been a LONG! LONG! road here #COCOABUTTER by @_SHANNONSANDERS and ME!" Singing, "your love is like cocoa butter on my heart," she praises the healing and protective benefits of a love that has smoothed over her emotional scars. If you're overexposed and in need of a little restoration, India.Arie's got the musical salve for your soul.


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