Maxwell is SO Talking About SoulBounce!

maxwell_bsn.JPGWe have a long, tumultuous relationship with Maxwell's blog because we want answers. Unlike a lot of other singers, Maxwell's professional and personal business isn't all on Front Street, which is good, but it leaves the fans hungry and longing. Assuming he's actually the one managing his blog and not a bunch of "handlers", then his cryptic, non-specific posts are the only clues we have into his state of mind and progress. And, we love him, so he could write the whole thing in binary code and we'd re-post it here. Holla at us, Maxi!

long absence i know and i hope your time has been well spent with love
and light brighter than the human eye can bear. your messages have not
been read but i will attend to this on sunday.

to you and all
the wondrous sites who have kept my music alive with comments and
pictures; thank you. i still can't understand why you care so much but
nothing good should be questioned; only accepted.
[That's us, that's us! - Ed.]

Read more of Maxwell's non-answers here. Yes, we know.

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