Another Reason To Use iTunes

sealnew.jpgThe PRO-IP Act a/k/a "Prioritizing Resources and Organization for Intellectual Property Act" just sailed through our nation's House of Representatives yesterday. What does this mean for you? This act, if enacted into a bill, will give the government more resources at their disposal to punish those found in violation of copyright infringement which includes file-sharing. Furthermore, if enacted, the PRO-IP Act would create WHIPER a/k/a "White House Intellectual Property Enforcement Representative." WHIPER would be the agency responsible for going commando on those found suspected of file sharing. Punishment could range from property seizure to variable jail terms. 

Remember those Kazaa and Napster days of old? Remember how the Recording Industry Association of America got all hot and sued a twelve-year-old girl? Or maybe this woman who had to pay $222,000 to the RIAA for having downloaded over 1000 songs? Scared yet? Want to make your voice heard about this intellectual property debate? Contact your local representative here.

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