Is Rap Really That Bad?

I know the question has been raised numerous times, including on this website. Here at SoulBounce we tend to want to focus more on what the future holds instead of lamenting the present and glorifying the good old days. The question still deserves to be asked nonetheless: Why has Hip Hop been sucking rocks so hard for the past several years? New York--my beloved hometown--has significantly fallen off--with other cities not exactly picking up the slack that The West and South and The Midwest and damn near everywhere else left. While there most definitely are young and older rap cats still laying it down, I think we can all collectively breathe a dour sigh when we think about what Hip Hop used to be and mean to all of us. Looking at the photo above, I realize that this couldn't be any more ironic that Ludacris is putting Justin Bieber in a strangle hold. Okay, maybe if Nicki Minaj were in Justin's place. Maybe.

Speaking of Minaj, Phillip Mlynar of Unkut writes:

On her own demerits, there's nothing much wrong with Young Money rapstress Nicki Minaj. She's a terrible rapper who spits worse than Lil Mama and makes music that's perfect for 12-year-old girls to listen to...taking time to get annoyed at her is a waste of energy. Unfortunately, people won't leave it at that - especially 'cos there's little that excites writers more than the novelty of a female rapper (a trait only pipped by the socio-eco-anthro-political potential of writing about a white rapper).

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Want more including why our collective disgust at actually wanting to pay for music is worsening the genre we claim to love so much? Check out Mlynar's "10 Depressingly Annoying Things About Modern Rap." You can thank me later.

"10 Depressingly Annoying Things About Modern Rap" [UK]

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