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Chris Brown Wants To Tour With Rihanna, Beyoncé and Bruno Mars

Chris Brown uses his socials for many things, including showing off his art, cussing out his haters or just expressing his many random ideas. One idea that he floated out this week, however, has the internet abuzz. "Just thinking....," he wrote on Twitter. "A CRAZY WORLD TOUR would BEYONCE, RIHANNA, BRUNO MARS, CHRIS BROWN. '2 for 2.' And if y’all decide to do it without me... give me 10%." That would be a pretty jam-packed tour for sure. However, while the idea is nice, we highly doubt all four of them would ever be down for such a tour. On top of that, we all know the history that Chris and RiRi have. We say this might be one best left in fantasy land. #KeepDreamingBro

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